🛠️ Utility Commands
AdmiBot's utility commands offer versatile tools to improve user interaction, manage roles, run polls, and more. These commands help you and your members access essential information, manage roles, and even perform calculations within Discord.
👤 /user info [user]
/user info [user]
Description: Displays detailed information about a specified user or yourself if no user is mentioned.
/user info @User
📝 Note: Use this to view profile details like join date, roles, and status.
📋 /user roles [user]
/user roles [user]
Description: Lists all roles assigned to a specified user or yourself.
/user roles @User
🛡️ /user permissions [user]
/user permissions [user]
Description: Displays a detailed list of permissions for the specified user or yourself.
/user permissions @User
🏆 /messages leaderboard
/messages leaderboard
Description: Shows the top message senders in the server.
/messages leaderboard
📝 Note: Great for recognizing active members in the community.
🔢 /messages count [user]
/messages count [user]
Description: Displays the total message count of a specified user or yourself.
/messages count @User
➕ /role add <role>
/role add <role>
Description: Assigns a specified role to yourself.
/role add @Role
➖ /role remove <role>
/role remove <role>
Description: Removes a specified role from yourself.
/role remove @Role
🔄 /role position <role> <under_role>
/role position <role> <under_role>
Description: Moves a role to a new position beneath another specified role.
/role position @Role @UnderRole
📝 Note: Useful for organizing role hierarchy.
🎁 /role giveall <role>
/role giveall <role>
Description: Assigns a specified role to all server members.
/role giveall @Role
📝 Note: This command requires appropriate permissions due to its impact.
🔄 /moveme <channel>
/moveme <channel>
Description: Moves you to the specified voice channel.
/moveme #VoiceChannel
📢 /embed send <title> <description> <channel> [thumbnail] [author_icon] [author_name]
/embed send <title> <description> <channel> [thumbnail] [author_icon] [author_name]
Description: Sends a custom embed message to a specified channel with options for title, description, thumbnail, author icon, and author name.
/embed send "Title" "Description" #Channel [Thumbnail URL] [Author Icon URL] [Author Name]
📊 /poll <question> <option1> <option2> [option3] [option4]
/poll <question> <option1> <option2> [option3] [option4]
Description: Creates a poll with up to four options.
/poll "What's your favorite color?" "Red" "Blue" "Green" "Yellow"
📝 Note: Members can vote by reacting to options.
✅ /votepoll <question>
/votepoll <question>
Description: Starts a simple poll with thumbs-up/down reactions for voting.
/votepoll "Do you agree with this change?"
🧮 /calculator
Description: Opens a modern calculator interface with Discord buttons for easy calculation.
📝 Note: This command allows members to perform calculations directly in the channel.
⏲️ /timer <duration> <reason>
/timer <duration> <reason>
Description: Sets a countdown timer for the specified duration with an optional reason.
/timer 10m "Break time"
⏱️ /stopwatch <action: start/stop>
/stopwatch <action: start/stop>
Description: Starts or stops a stopwatch to track elapsed time.
/stopwatch start
or/stopwatch stop
Each of these utility commands enhances server functionality, making AdmiBot a helpful and interactive tool for both admins and members. These tools are designed to provide valuable assistance and improve server experience.
Last updated